Young Alex found a rather unique way to get rid of that pesky loose tooth. (YouTube)
Young Alex found a rather unique way to get rid of that pesky loose tooth. (YouTube)

There are many ways kids will lose their baby teeth. Usually, they just get loose enough and eventually fall out. But some kids aren’t exactly that patient. That loose tooth can become a real nuisance and with an unpredictable economy, you never can be too careful about how much the Tooth Fairy is going to be able to spare at any given moment.

For one young man, his loose tooth just had to go and since he is a hockey player, there was only one way to get it out. The hockey way, that is.

So young Alex decided that the best way to get rid of the tooth was to tie some string to it, tie the other end of that string to a hockey puck, grab his stick and let ‘er rip. Hopefully this only needed one take to get done.

Does the Tooth Fairy give bonuses for creativity? This probably deserves one, if so.

[H/T Bleacher Report]