Can you imagine Alabama wearing these
Can you imagine Alabama wearing these? (Deeyung Entertainment)

Last week, our friends over at Eye On Football shared the work of Deeyung Entertainment, which designed new concept helmets for all 32 NFL teams. Well, it turns out that it didn't stick to doing just NFL helmets.

There are designs for college teams as well. Check out some of the work.

My opinions on the helmets vary from school to school. When it comes to teams like Alabama, Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State, I'm a huge fan of the traditional looks those programs already have: the simple, clean, iconic helmet. So I don't exactly like the changes for them.

For some other schools, however, these concepts aren't bad. I don't think we can expect to see any of these designs any time soon, but we probably can't write the ideas off considering the rates college teams come up with new helmets these days.

Check out Deeyung Entertainment's work at their website, or on Instagram.